The procedure of selecting candidates involves shortlisting individuals with the vital qualifications to fill organizational vacancies. Since the process varies among groups, it’s critical to recognize which kind of manner is appropriate. In the following article, you will know the factors affecting selection procedure. The selection process is commonly prolonged and difficult, encompassing numerous steps before arriving at a final selection.
Definition of Selection
According to Steven P. Robbins and Mary Coulter, “Selection is the process of screening job applications to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.”
According to Dale Yoder, “Selection is the process by which candidates for employment are divided into two classes: those who will be offered employment and those who will not.”
Various Factors Affecting Selection Procedure
Various internal and external environmental factors affect the selection process, as mentioned below:
1. Internal Factors
Environmental Factors: Internal factors affecting selection procedure encompass:
i) Size of the Organization
The size of a company impacts the selection process. Small companies regularly employ an informal selection process, at the same time as large organizations typically depend on a proper and systematic method.
ii) Type of the Organization
The organizational shape performs an essential role in the selection procedure. Different systems, which include line, line and staff, and departmental systems, impact the selection processes for this reason.
iii) Nature of Social Pressure
Social stress, stemming from legislative requirements, executive orders, and court docket decisions, impacts the selection process. Organizations ought to operate within societal and legislative frameworks.
iv) Applicant Pool
The effectiveness of the selection procedure depends on the scale and competence of the applicant pool. The selection ratio, evaluating the wide variety of decided candidates to the entire pool, is a key component.
v) Speed of Decision-Making
The time provided for making selection decisions affects the technique. Adhering to selection regulations and procedures helps agencies keep away from legal complications.
2. External Factors
i) Nature of the Labor Market
The nature of the labor market affects the selection technique. A restricted pool of applicants with the required skills leads to a shorter and simpler selection procedure.
ii) Trade Unions
Trade unions can impact the selection procedure by recommending or worrying about the choice of unique applicants.
iii) Government Regulations
Organizations must adhere to government regulations and norms governing the selection process. Legislation and rules play an enormous function in shaping how companies execute their selection strategies.
Selection process is the negative process in which various pooled applications are selected according to the requirements of the job. There are various internal as well as external factors affecting selection process. These can be the size of organization, nature of social pressure, government regulations.