Here we will give detailed information regarding recent techniques in HRM(Human Resource Management). The trends of economic liberalization and globalization have a direct impact on organizational design and the type of organizational structure.
The corporations’ post-liberalization purposes include producing highly qualitative products and rendering services to satisfy the customer and have a competitive advantage. Consequently, the emphasis of the corporations has shifted from a highly complex structure to low formalization. So, management has to introduce some recent techniques in human resource management.
Recent Techniques in HRM/Human Resource Management
The recent techniques in Human Resource management are as follows:

1. Employees for lease
Sometimes, organizations depend upon consultancy agencies or individual consultants for their expertise to top and utilize their expert knowledge. An organization can use it as a recent technique in HRM. New types of organizations will emerge, which would be called “employee leasing organizations.”
These leasing organizations will be the principal employers and send the required number and type of employees to various organizations on a lease basis. They collect the fees and other charges from multiple industries and pay the salaries, providing employee benefits. The leasing company pays complete compensation and benefits to the employees irrespective of the number of days that employees are sent to various organizations.
2. Moonlighting by Employees
These recent techniques in human resource management can be introduced. It is a situation that arises among employees because of dissatisfaction with the present wage & salary structure. They feel that the employer enjoys the increased profit and that the employer exploits them.
Consequently, they agitate for a wage hike or take up another part-time job or business simultaneously with the original position. It is also known as Double Jobbing. Presently, a few employees moonlight, but the number of employees increases due to changes in employee values & expectations.
3. Dual Career Groups
Dual career groups can also be implemented as recent techniques in hrm. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of female employees in all types of organizations due to:
- Increased career orientation among women in recent years.
- Creation of a variety of jobs.
- Higher level commitment.
- Better performance.
- Less demanding and agitative-oriented.
- Economic freedom.
- Better social status.
Due to dual career groups, both wife & husband will be loaded with grievances & problems as both of them share their concerns. They spend their time and energy solving problems. Due to this new HR technique, the HR manager should treat people as a resource. Also, reward them equitably, and integrate their aspirations with corporate goals through suitable HR policies.
4. Flexi-time
The number of hours in a day, number of days in a week, and work schedule when the worker has to perform are usually stated in the Job Description. The concept of Flexi-time has been introduced to suit the convenience of the workers. Flexi-time is a program that allows flexible entry and leaving times for employees. Flexitime is implemented as recent techniques in HRM to increase productivity, decline absenteeism, and reduce employee turnover.
5. Flexi-Work
It is a program that allows flexibility in systematically handling the type of work in various organization departments during its tenure.
6. Training & Development
Organizations in the future will establish their educational institutes as recent techniques in HRM. These institutes will frame their course curriculum to suit the requirements of various jobs on their own. The intake of the institutes depends on the exclusive needs of the organization. After completion of the course, the candidate will be awarded a diploma and absorbed by the organization. This management arrangement will automatically take care of unemployment and underemployment.
7. Management Participation in Employees’ Organisations
This is one of the most introduced recent techniques in HRM. With the formation and recognition of employees’ organizations, the management cannot make unilateral decisions. Decisions on the policies and administration may still rest with management.
But they are frequently subject to question and criticism by union representatives under formal grievance procedures. This technique enables the two parties to exchange ideas, opinions, information, and knowledge to understand each other’s viewpoints.
8. Collective bargaining
It is an institutional process for solving problems arising directly out of employer-employee relationships. Through collective bargaining, the two parties become responsive to each other. Employees ventilate their issues relating to wages, employee benefits, etc.
At the same time, the management puts forth its demands regarding employee cooperation and commitment to maximize its profit. Thus, two parties discuss the problem, and each party tries to solve the issues of the other. Employers found solutions for everyday situations directly through negotiation between both parties.
9. Collaborative Management
It is the recent techniques in HRM that the owners and their representatives manage the organization. But most organizations have started to allow their employees to participate in management. This type of management system is referred to as “Collaborative Management.” Employees’ participation in management was initiated to satisfy workers’ psychological needs and to develop a sense of belongingness and loyalty to the organization.
What is the Recent Trends in HRM?
Some recent trends in HRM include
1. Employee Retention 2. Employee Engagement 3. Workplace Diversity 4. Flat Structure 5. Downsizing the organization.
What are the Current Human Resource Management Techniques?
There are many current human resource management techniques, but some of the most common include
1. Performance Appraisals 2. Training and Development Programs 3. Employee engagement initiatives, etc.
What is the most important Technique of Human Resource Development?
The most important technique of human resource development is training and development. In training and development, employees will improve their skills. Also, they will know about the new technology through which they can do their work at a fast pace.